You may take advantage of a tax-free loan from your 403(b) account. This provision gives you access to cash without permanently reducing the value of your HCPS 403(b) account. It is especially attractive since it's not subject to federal withdrawal restrictions imposed on plan distributions received prior to age 59½. However, defaulted loan amounts will be taxed as ordinary income and may incur a 10% federal tax penalty if you are under the age 59½. Your financial professional can provide information regarding maximum loan amounts and loan repayment terms.
Important loan or hardship distribution information
Retirement Manager, a website to help you manage your 403(b) account, has been launched to help keep your retirement plan in compliance with recent federal tax law changes. Specifically, these changes impact what needs to be done in order to take a loan or hardship distribution from your 403(b) account. To comply with these new requirements, an eligibility certificate is required before your vendor will be able to process a distribution request. If you need a loan or hardship distribution, visit the Retirement Manager website to obtain an eligibility certificate prior to completing your 403(b) vendor’s distribution paperwork.
Access Retirement Manager