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How to enroll

Enrolling in your retirement plan is easy!

401(k) plan

To enroll in the Alverno Provena Hospital Laboratories, Inc. retirement savings plans, you must enter the Online Enrollment System. If you do not enroll via online enrollment, you will automatically be enrolled into your retirement plan with a 2% deferral percentage.

As an employee of Alverno Provena Hospital Laboratories, Inc. you are automatically enrolled in the 401(k) plan on your date of hire. 

2% of your compensation will be deducted and deposited in your retirement account each biweekly pay period. Your voluntary contributions will be invested in the VALIC Fixed-Interest Option on a pretax basis, unless you affirmatively elect other investment funds. 

You may increase or decrease your contributions at any time by contacting Corebridge Retirement Services at its toll-free number, 1.800.448.2542, or log on to online account access. Both of these services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Follow the prompts and press the appropriate numbers or keys to complete the transactions.  

403(b) plan

Participation in the 403(b) is available to grandfathered PEP employees only. Enrollment is closed for this plan. 


A 1149602 (5/2023)